hi there, i'm socksy (he/him). i play a da video games and doodle every once in a while, plus some other things.


who r u bro????????

send a doodle to me if you're bored idk

things me likey :)

i'm quite the gamer. and the drawer. and the writer. and the, point is i do a bunch of random things, rn i'm really obsessed with Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers (if you fw it PLEASE INTERACT WITH ME I AM OBSESSED AT THE MOMENT)

my birthday's on november 22nd, and i hail from AMERICA GRAHHHHHHHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅

where else are you on the net?

can't say! but look hard enough, and maybe you'll find me elsewhere...

i read these messages and drawings, btw!

...but i'm too lazy to put a section where i respond :]